6235 W. North Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-2441

Sermons by Sr. Pastor Nick Bitakis (Page 51)

Press On!

There are things that we can lay hold of this side of glory. The best is yet to come! Since we have the Holy Spirit inside of us, there is NO reason why a Christian should have a defeated life. The Holy Spirit enables us to press on.

If we want to experience the fullness that the Lord has for us, the only way is to PRESS ON AND DEVELOP A PRESSING SPIRIT. You have to have a desire/flame/hunger for the Lord.

New Year’s Resolutions

It’s good and proper for Christians to make resolutions. 1. Let’s all resolve to spend quality time with the Lord every day. 2. Let’s resolve to attend all the services of the church. 3. Faithfully give tithes & offerings. 4. Resolve to pray more and pray throughout each day. Let’s pray more for our lost relatives! 5. Let’s resolve to consistently tell others about Jesus. 6. Let’s resolve to press into the Kingdom MORE!