6235 W. North Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-2441


SUNDAY BIBLE SCHOOL for all ages every Sunday at 9:30 am

Pat Bridgide, Children's Church Director
Pat Brigide –
Sunday School Superintendent

Teaching is a priority at New Life. We believe that people need to be methodically taught the Word of God. Biblical truths are important, not only to adults, but to teens and children. We have classes for every age group as well as several Adult classes. It is our vision to have more classes on different subjects. For newcomers, we have a class called “Full Life in Christ ,” which is required to take for church membership. After that class, we ave a follow-up class called Advancing To Spiritual Adulthood.” The Senior Pastor teaches a Bible class and our Associate Pastor teaches a class also for those who want to advance in their spiritual knowledge and understanding.

WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHT for all ages every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.

Learning Scripture In AWANA
Learning on Family Night

Join us Wednesday night where we have teaching, worship and praise for all ages! Adults meet in the auditorium at 7:00 pm for worship, praise and teaching.
Our Awana children’s ministry program begins each September and includes a lively, fun, ministry. During the summer months the fun continues with a special summer program. Children in K-6th grade will meet in Room 102. Teens go to Rm 106 with Teen Ministry leader, Rev. Wylinda Williams. Pre-school children (ages 3-5) go to the toddler nursery. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND!



John Bitakis – Praise Team Leader

Praise and worship is a vital part of New Life Christian Fellowship. We believe the Scriptures teach demonstrative praise and worship (Psalm 150) that glorifies the Lord. The songs consist of a blend of different styles of music played on many different types of musical instruments to reach this single purpose. Our worship team includes singers and instrumentalists that use the talent that God has given them to lead the congregation into this Christ-centered praise & worship.


Andrea "Cookie" Shephard - Choir Director
Andrea Shephard – Choir Director

We have a choir who has a desire to sing unto the Lord and glorify His name. The choir’s desire is to have the anointing of the Spirit and to minister to people through different types of songs.



In the Morning service, we also have special selections of music presented by people from our own congregation.  In all our music, we pursue excellence and the anointing of the Spirit.




Prayer in the AuditoriumAt New Life, we believe in the power of prayer. There is always some ministry of prayer going on, but we have a special time of prayer and intercession for many needs every Saturday evening at 6:00 p.m.  All are welcome to come and pray with other believers. We call this the “Hour of Power,” and it is a time of earnest, intense prayer. We have seen God answer our unified praying. When we have urgent prayer requests, we have “prayer intercessors” that are contacted and they lift these requests to the throne of God.


It is important for the men of the church to be “strong in the Lord,” and to be godly leaders. Once a month, on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 8 am, the men meet together for prayer and then go out for breakfast, and for a time of good Christian fellowship.


Wylinda Williams - Women's Ministry Leader
Rev. Wylinda Williams – Women’s Ministry Leader

“Woman at the Well” is a women’s ministry that meets regularly for a time of prayer, fellowship, praise, and the ministry of the Word. Women face many challenges today, and that is why we have a special time for women to come together to encourage and to minister to each other. They also have a time when they pray and intercede for various needs. Our women’s ministry meets every 1st Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the lower level of the church.



Assistant Paster Wylinda WilliamsRev. Wylinda Williams leads a dynamic youth ministry for Christ (7th grade thru High School) that meets every Wednesday evening, 7:00 p.m., and every Friday evening, at 7:30 p.m. They meet for times of Bible Study, relevant youth discussions, music, fellowship and social activities. Rev. Wylinda has a vision to introduce teens to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their walk of faith.



Pat Bridgide, Children's Church Director
Pat Brigide – Children’s Church Director

It is our desire as a church to communicate Biblical truths to children on their level. During the Sunday Morning Service, the children are dismissed from the service to go to Children’s Church. Our Children’s Church is for children 3 years old through 4th grade. We have many children’s church workers and helpers who are committed to ministering to children.

AWANA (A Workman Approved is Not Ashamed)

Our AWANA ministry meets every Wednesday from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the lower level of the church and runs from September through June. (During the summer months, the fun continues with a kids summer ministry on Wednesday nights from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.)

Awana is an exciting, scriptural, fun and well-balanced ministry for children. It is based on II Timothy 2:15. Awana is the largest children’s ministry in the world and is used around the world.

Awana has three parts: a game time, a handbook time (learning scripture), and a devotional time. Many children have found Christ and have spiritually grown through this children’s ministry. Our kids love AWANA! 


During Sunday Morning Bible School and during Sunday Morning Worship, we have a team of dedicated church members who help take good care of infants up to 2 years.  The baby nursery is in the northeast corner of the Auditorium (main level).



John Bitakis – Food Pantry Director

The Food Pantry ministers to the basic needs of the immediate neighborhood around the church. Every Tuesday, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, we give out food to those who come to the East side door of the church.




Andrea "Cookie" Shephard - Choir Director
Andrea “Cookie” Shephard – Practical Ministries Director

We have a practical ministry team that organizes and facilitates our banquets, showers, picnics, and special events.

We have a practical ministry team that organizes and facilitates our banquets, showers, picnics, and special events.


From Left: Louis Johnson, Cesar Lopez, Paul, Cleveland, Willie Reyes, James Bitakis
From Left: Louis Johnson, Cesar Lopez, Paul Cleveland, Willie Reyes, James Bitakis
Edward Pegues - Usher
Edward Pegues – Usher

Making visitors feel welcome is a ministry. We have faithful ushers who are friendly and warm, and make visitors feel at home at New Life.


All of our Messages are audibly and visually recorded and can be seen via our web site or on YouTube.


John Bitakis – Office Administrator

John Bitakis manages day-to-day office operations and, along with so many others in our church family, ensures that our church runs smoothly!